Tuesday, November 21, 2006

PLAY! (Phase 2)


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Martha Ladly said...

Your interface between the PDA, the wearable, enabled sunglasses, memory and the idea of play throws up many intriguing questions and possibilities. The map interface looks useful, and the employment of colour coding is helpful and fun.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Judith Doyle said...

I concur with Martha's comments. I like your emphasis on happiness and play. It is an emotional matter we will discuss in class today, when looking at how to move to the next stage of this project. I think your writing on amnesia needs some refinement - pay close attention to the descriptions of the condition of amnesia, to use terms with accuracy. I'd love to see a non-linear prototype!

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Judith Doyle said...

Another comment I forgot to remind you of -- Robin finds this appealing and that's important. Today we can refocus on the amnesic's experience, so hopefully that will help you refine this for the next step.


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