Coming soon... Google Universe
Does anyone else think that Google is going to own the Universe?
I mean, I use their website for my primary search engine, I even check first with Google Images before using my 5 mega pixel camera that I paid $700 for three years ago, I use Google News to see what's happening in Canada and the world, I use their maps for driving directions, as a Google Geek I also check out major cities all over the word with Google Earth, I use YouTube for all videos but now I find it's owned by Google. Same with Blogger. Ohh yea, and Google also owns all my emails since I use Gmail as my primary online address.
Should I be worried? Or should I just try to find a way to work for such a successful corporation?
If you can't beat them... join them. Right?
I'm just wondering what you guys think on this...
There is no doubt that Google's goal to become the prime, biggest, most comprehensive content aggregator ON EARTH is getting close to critical mass...
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