Monday, September 11, 2006

Get to know our local neighbourhood with [murmur]

The [murmur] Project is about the lives and stories of people who live and work in urban Toronto. The very first [murmur] project was created in Toronto's Kensington Market, just a stone's throw from our campus at OCAD.

[murmur] is about the stories of people who live and work in our city. And [murmur] believes interesting things don't just happen at the Rogers Centre and Nathan Phillips Square -- the city is full of stories, and some of them happen in parking lots and bungalows, diners and front lawns. The smallest, greyest or most nondescript building can be transformed by the stories that live in it. Once heard, these stories can change the way people think about that place and the city at large. These are the stories that make up Toronto's identity, but they're kept inside of the heads of the people who live here. [murmur] brings that important archive out onto the streets, for all to hear and experience.

[murmur] is an archival audio project that collects stories set in specific Toronto locations, told by Torontonians themselves. At each of these locations, a [murmur] sign with a telephone number and location code marks where stories are available. By using a mobile phone, users are able to listen to the story of that place while engaging in the physical experience of being there.

For more information about [murmur] in Toronto's Kensington market click on the title link or go to:

This is our first assignment and field trip for Virtual Communities.


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